If you are looking for that final touch, that extra sparkle, that converts a nice scent into a real perfume, try adding one of the following ingredients in 1% dilution (one drop at a time!). They are strong, real strong, so start with really small amounts, like one drop of 1% dilution on 20 drops of other combined ingredients in 100% dilution (a 1 : 2.000 ratio):
The Aldehydes, preferably C10, C12 NMA and C12 Laurel
Ambrocenide, (also an excellent fixative for your citrus notes)
Cosmone, (excellent volume lifter, although it will introduce some Musk to the composition)
Civet can do wonders, especially in combination with the flowers
Ultrazur, can definitely bring some lift, volume and diffusitivity
Okoumal, will bring a twinkle to the woods
Ambergris tincture (yes, it's expensive but worth every penny)
Try Oudh / Agarwood as a fixative in your wood and oriental blends!