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MJ: Tropical fruit and driftwood on the beach

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

A tropical island, tropical fruits, an ocean breeze and simmering driftwood on the beach. Let’s bottle this ;-) The perfume is a typical unisex one, not too sweet, the tropical fruits are there but on a low level, and it’s basically the driftwood that stands out in some typical beach notes in a powdery drydown. This perfume formula shows the use of trace amounts -not only of high impact materials- and how they impact the character of some basic ingredients like the beautiful Synarome base, Blackwood, Helvetolide and Bergamot. I’ve diluted the given amount of 460 milligrams total in 16500 milligrams of perfumers alcohol to show how strong this formula is. It sprays like an eau-de-toilette, but after 24 hours you will still smell the base layer. In less than a 3% dilution for the final product! Adjust to your liking… but don’t overdo it. The tropical nuance is given by my Pineapple accord, that is listed on my blog too.

All ingredients are available through

Enjoy and have fun!

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